Page name: BotO Sophie's Dinner [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-05-14 17:57:42
Last author: Eyelash-Wishes
Owner: Synirria
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Sophie's Dinner



Aiden was greeted with the most delicious smells one could imagine, bacon, sausage, homemade syrup. He almost salivated just walking into the diner. He glanced around for a booth and saw one next to the door. "I'll be right with you Sugar!" He glanced up at the older woman's voice and smiled softly, giving her a friendly wave. "Take your time." Propping his duffel bag against the wall he slid in beside it. Noticing the menu sitting behind the napkin holder he picked it up and began scanning through it. The smell of sweet flowers and syrup wafted over him and he felt the presence of someone standing over him. "Mornin', I'm Sophie and I'll be serving you today. What can I get you to drink..." She left the question open in the end, searching for a name. His smile turned to a grin as he looked up at the owner. "Aiden, nice to meet you Miss Sophie." His voice was smooth as silk to match his devilishly handsome good looks. "I'll take a coke, if I may." He watched her noticing she didn't carry a pad with her, she must take the orders by memory. "Is there anything you recommend?" He relaxed into the booth so he could take in the clearly mother hen of all who walked through the door. Sophie placed her finger on the menu and tapped it gently. "The Homey Skillet. It's got all the best fixin's for a growing man like yourself." Aiden looked over at the picture and nodded his head, setting the menu back in it's place. "I'll take it." They smiled at each other before Sophie turned away. "Comin' right up, Sugar." Aiden thanked her as she walked over and began to people watch.

"Good morning Sophie." Lena called as she stepped into the diner with a bright smile and a wave. She moved up to the counter, smiling politely to people she passed, then waited patiently for her order to be taken. "Just a coffee please Sophie.." She started then noticed the freshly baked muffins stacked up on the counter. "Oh those do look good.." She chuckled as she tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

Aiden heard the tinkle over the door as a new customer came into the diner. He glanced over at innocent looking blonde and watched curiously as she interacted with Sophie. Meanwhile Sophie busied herself in getting Lena's coffee when she heard the young woman mention something looking good. Glancing over her shoulder she smiled as she noticed the muffins. "Would you like one as well, Dear?"

"After the huge breakfast I just had, I shouldn't." Lena chuckled before giving a small shrug. "But I can't say no, they smell too good! I'll take a blueberry one please and I think I'll sit inside now." She smiled at Sophie again and reached into her bag for her purse. "How much do I owe you?"

Sophie chuckled softly at the girl having caved so easily. "Just the coffee so $2. I'm trying out a new recipe on the muffins so they're on the house." She set the large cup down in front of Lena and lifted the glass top off of the muffins. Picking out one she placed it on a saucer and then recapped the stand to keep the muffins fresh. "Let me know how you like it."

"I'm sure it's delicious. Everything you make always is." Lena replied politely with a smile as she offered Sophie the $2 before picking up her coffee and muffin and turning to find a table. She finally settled on the one next to Aiden, which she slid into after setting her cup and saucer down. She took a small bite of the muffin then looked over at Sophie and grinned. "I was right! Delicious!" She called with a chuckle, then turned her attention to the window as her hand wrapped round her coffee cup, watching as people walked by.

"Thank you dear," Sophie smiled as she crossed the diner to place Aiden's order in front of him. "Here you go, Sugar. If you need anything else just holler." He practically moaned at the sight before him. "I looks and smells delicious, Sophie, thank you." Sophie gave him a wink before going about her business as he dove into his breakfast, chewing quietly and politely. Damn did this place have a good cook, good recipes. He was extremely happy with his choice for a meal.

Lena finally looked over when she heard Aiden thank Sophie and she couldn't help but smile as he dove into his breakfast. "Good isn't it?" She said to him. "You won't find anywhere better to eat in this town." She gave a confirming nod then lifted her coffee up and took a small sip.

"It's very good," Aiden replied after swallowing his bite. "It was the first place I saw when I stepped off the bus. I'm glad I decided on it." He smiled kindly as he took another bite, relaxing back into the booth to enjoy the rest of his meal, what little there may be left.

"Oh you only just got here? Well welcome to town." Lena replied politely. "If there's anything you need to know. just ask..though I'm not sure how much help I can really be as I've only been here a few days myself." She chuckled. "But I'll try to help all the same."

"Oh... well thank you," Aiden whipped his hands on a napkin before leaning over and holding it out to her. "Names Aiden, it's nice to meet another friendly face." He smiled brightly at her, his eyes twinkling happily.

"Lena." She replied as she took his hand and shook it lightly. "And thank you, I'm glad you don't find me annoying." She chuckled as she relaxed back into her seat. "So you here visiting friends Aiden?" She asked curiously.

The bell over the door chimed again, "Morning Sophie." Adela was clad in her police uniform, tucking her hat under her arm as she stepped inside holding an insulated coffee mug. She stepped up to the counter and set down a dollar, waiting patiently for the diner's owner to fill her cup, "Morning." She said with a nod to the strangers.

"Ah, no actually. Just wanting to get away from a life full of stress. This seemed like a nice small town when I did my research." Aiden pushed his finished plate to the side and turned to face Lena as the door chimed. He looked up and noticed a woman officer make her way to the counter. "Why would I find you annoying?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, giving the officer and nod.

"I've been told I talk too much." Lena replied with a small playful shrug. "Some see it as being friendly and others just see it as plain irritating." She laughed then took another drink of her coffee and bite of her muffin. "Well.." She started once she had swallowed it all down. "I hope you find a much more stress free life here."

"Thank you." Aiden smiled softly as he climbed to his feet. Picking up his duffel bag he made his way to the cash register and quickly paid Sophie. As he turned back to leave he stopped at Lena's table. "I hope you have a good day, I'm off to find some place to rent. Hopefully I can find something today." Sophie overheard his comment and pipped up. "Try Jade's. I know she was trying to rent out her rooms. Just follow the road out of town towards the ocean. She's the last house with a huge ranch. Though she's probably already at work down at the Marina." Aiden lifted his hand and smiled softly. "Thanks! I'll try and find her." He turned back to Lena with a soft smile. "It was nice to meet you." He carefully walked around her and exited out onto BotO Streets of Athens Harbor.

"New in town?" Adela asked Lena conversationally and then thanked Sophie with a fond smile as the older woman filled her thermos for her. The man she had just been talking to had clearly been new as well, someone like that stuck out, all the busy bodies would be talking about him soon, they were already talking about what had happened to Jace...

Lena looked up at Adela and gave a smile and a nod. "Well I've been here a few days, settled quite quickly actually. Got a job and a good place to live already." She explained in a friendly tone. "That guy just got here today though. Seemed friendly though. Says he's getting away from a stressful life. Hopefully he finds it here."

"Good for you." Adela said with a friendly smile, "Officer Bjornesen by the way," she offered her hand for Lena to shake, "But if you see me out of uniform you can call me Adela."

"Angelena..but you can call me Lena." She replied with a smile as she took Adela's hand and shook it lightly. "You're welcome to sit down Officer if you like, though I imagine if you're on duty this is just a quick visit." She continued politely.

Adela nodded, "I have to get back to my patrol, Sophie's coffee is just much better than the stuff the captain brews." She said with a smirk, "I'll see you around, good luck with everything. Thanks again, Sophie." The young officer waved as she headed back outside to the BotO Streets of Athens Harbor

Lena waved her off then turned back to her muffin and coffee, finishing both off quickly. Once she was done she slid from her seat and thanked Sophie again before heading out of the diner, intent on doing some shopping.

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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2016-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: You could have at least called this place Bob's Diner...

2016-04-13 [Synirria]: Mmmm no

2016-04-14 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Sorry, Luke's not there anymore! I edited my post yesterday to have him leave and go for a walk

2016-04-15 [Asdroth]: Oh my! Lol

2016-04-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Where is Luke headed? Maybe he could run into Emily?

2016-04-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: He was just going for a walk, nowhere in particular so he could definitely bump into Emily :) What about on the beach?

2016-04-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Sure, we can do that.

2016-04-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Shall I post first?

2016-04-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Already done! :)

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: ...Asdroth's turn here, right?

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: Possibly. They have company over right now but will try and post later. I think I'll have Jace come down for dinner

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: M'kay. :3

2016-04-18 [~Valkyrie~]: I don't know if we'll get more than one than one from Asdroth tonight. He got looped into a guys night

2016-04-18 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2016-04-18 [Painted Autumn]: Ah it would seem we're out of sync. I'm sorry about that, that's my fault. I'll fix it later. Emily and Sabastion should be in a different section as they're coming in later than the others are speaking.

2016-04-18 [Painted Autumn]: And they would be separated anyway, since the groups here are different "scenes" (not talking over one another).

2016-04-19 [Painted Autumn]: Wow, finally gets that compliment she hopes for and totally blows it off like it's almost nothing. xD

2016-04-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol! No, not really! She's never been called a painting before, and really, how many girls can say they have been? XD I certainly have never been compared to a painting! I wouldn't know how to react either!

2016-04-19 [Painted Autumn]: Ah, right, Emily doesn't know most of those paintings in the house were done by him, just the photos....

2016-04-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Indeed. But I changed it up for you a bit.

2016-04-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I realized who exactly could make that "Oh, you're on a date?" comment a reality: Lena. XD She had met Emily that same morning in the same diner, and she and Risk are on their way there right now.

2016-04-19 [Painted Autumn]: You didn't have to, I just found it amusing. :)

2016-04-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I think it would be funny. XD They were gonna head there anyway, I thought it would be a funny coincidence.

2016-04-19 [Painted Autumn]: Ah. Amusing xD

2016-04-19 [Painted Autumn]: That was unclear, he's asking Emily to sit by him.

2016-04-23 [Painted Autumn]: Come to think of it, I'm surprised neither Risk nor Lena asked about the bruise on Emily's cheek.

2016-04-23 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Good point. XD

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: Emily's a little a wrapped up, you could have comforted Lena in return, or offered support. xD Poor Lena. You go get him, girl!

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: OMG! ancient! could you program fix the picture up top for me? It's spelled diner, which it technically right but... her place is call "Dinner" like... super time... and I kinda want it to match

2016-04-24 [ancienteye]: XD Yeah, I can do that.

2016-04-24 [ancienteye]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/189486/1461514196.jpg>

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: You are totally awesome, milady!

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: Much better

2016-04-24 [ancienteye]: :D

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: Sorry my posts are so slow and long to make everyone. I'm battling a headache.

2016-04-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: It's okay, Autumn.

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: Celtore's post disappeared. :/

2016-04-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: So it did! I hate it when that happens!! >_<

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: There we go.

2016-04-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Thank you!

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: I blame Cat... :P After I posted her name popped up as posting... no biggie... Autumn uses Chrome and it saves the day

2016-04-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: It was an accident!! I was posting, too, and it said someone else had posted when I did. :(

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: Actually, Autumn used "view previous version" on Elftown, but yes, it's back and safe. You do you, little post. <3

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: I know sweetie, I love you know less <3. Okay Autumn :P

2016-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: What do the sections separated by the HR tags indicate? Just different areas of the restaurant?

And, most importantly, who is the person whom Fawn could most easily talk into letting her sleep on their couch? :-b

2016-04-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Yes, the HR tags indicate separate areas of the restaurant. And she could talk to Risk, Luke, or Jade, I believe... They all have spare room.

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: Both my characters have room and neither of them would like her. :/ Sorry.

2016-04-24 [ancienteye]: Seriously? I thought Dorian liked everyone?

2016-04-24 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Luke has spare rooms

2016-04-24 [ancienteye]: But if you mean that they both have love interests...I don't think that has much to do with couch-squatting. XD

2016-04-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I think Autumn meant in the way of personalities...

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: Yeah she and Lena are a little too intense for either of them to live with... Dorian would have a wicked time with her at an amusement park though. lol

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: Jade has rooms

2016-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: Are the sections all people seated at booths? Or is there a counter section (sorry, there is so much text to read D-:)

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: We separated them by groups of people who can't hear each other (for simplicity sake). There is no current second for the counter, but there is a space in the diner surely...

2016-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: So Fawn could theoretically take a seat at the counter, but be in one of the booth sections, as she would would be in the vicinity? (sorry, I ask a shitton of questions)

2016-04-24 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Yeah I think that would work :)

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: Yes, that would work

2016-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: Cool, thanks!

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: I said gently... Autumn :P and no problem

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: Wait what did I do? I'm lost.

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: I elbowed him and he acted like it was the most painful thing ever...she barely touched him

2016-04-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: She meant Jade gently elbowed Dorian. He's acting all hurt like she actually injured him. XD

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: Exactly! Cat gets me!

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: Hey missy you're supposed to be working on a project :P

2016-04-24 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I am! >_< I'm doing my notes/research right now!

2016-04-24 [Painted Autumn]: Yes and Dorian was being melodramatic. It didn't actually hurt him, I know.

2016-04-25 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Hmm, should we move Risk and Lena dancing to the bottom, since Luke and Haidee are trying to make Risk jealous? XD I love how everyone is like, "Risk just uses women! He's a chauvanist pig!" But what they don't know is that Risk is just like, "Meh, love is love. Whether it's physical, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise." He won't get jealous, either. He'd congratulate them and welcome them to the party. XD He may even invite them to a swinger's party! Lol.

2016-04-25 [Synirria]: I really think no one would know that of him unless they sat down and had a serious conversation about it with him though.

2016-04-25 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Exactly, which is why I think it's funny. They're all judging him from afar without really knowing him, and then they'll all be surprised when they realize how much of a hopeless romantic he truly is.

2016-04-25 [Eyelash-Wishes]: A part of me thinks that Luke and Risk could actually be good friends, if Luke wasn't so stubborn lol XD

I think Fawn and Lena are going to get on very well! XD

2016-04-25 [Artsy]: Haidee makes no judgement about Risk, she doesn't know him. She's only looking at Luke. ... And she happens to want to hold his hand. Lol

2016-04-27 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: UGH. I started posting and then my son grabbed the mouse from me and clicked a button and closed the web page. >_<"

2016-04-27 [ancienteye]: ...How old?

2016-04-27 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Almost two. He'll be two in July.

2016-04-27 [Artsy]: Phooooone poooooost.

2016-04-27 [ancienteye]: Aw~ :3

2016-04-28 [Painted Autumn]: Sabastion had the pie but ok.

2016-04-28 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Oh. Lol. I'll change it then.

2016-04-29 [Synirria]: I must remind people... all people. It's not anyone in perticular I think I've seen a few do it. But Athens Harbor is still a very town small down. Very small. Keep that in mind when making posts and "adding" things to our tiny town.

2016-05-07 [Synirria]: Ooooo it's going to be interesting

2016-05-07 [Asdroth]: Lol. I'm having fun with it.

2016-05-07 [~Valkyrie~]: Dang, Autumn, lol

2016-05-07 [Painted Autumn]: I hope that's a good 'dang' ^^;

2016-05-07 [~Valkyrie~]: That wasn't very nice of Dorian, but as a player I enjoyed it. :)

2016-05-07 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I would think it was a good "dang". XD I always enjoy Autumn's posts!

2016-05-07 [Painted Autumn]: Aw, gee, thanks Cat!
Anicent, why wasn't it nice of him? He was laughing at himself and he doesn't see a reason to be ashamed. He's humbled that such a beautiful, intelligent woman wants to give him her time.

2016-05-07 [~Valkyrie~]: ...Am I getting mistaken for Ancienteye? What I was talking about was his last comments. Talk about kissing and telling. Even my mind jumps straight to 'they just had sex'. While that's nothing to be ashamed of, it's a little odd to say it in the middle of a crowded table, especially when meeting the best friend of your significant other. I have a feeling Archer may not take it very well.

2016-05-07 [~Valkyrie~]: Jace may not either for that matter.

2016-05-07 [ancienteye]: *blinks* I said nothing. :o

2016-05-07 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: To be fair, Valkyrie, that's not where my mind went. I just envisioned them napping together. XD That doesn't necessarily allude to sex.

2016-05-07 [Painted Autumn]: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Valkyrie! I'm used to Ancient making lots of comments on wiki pages! And yeah, he never said they had sex. Any good friend knows Jade is sleep deprived, why WOULDN'T she take a nap?

2016-05-07 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2016-05-08 [Asdroth]: I love you all(especially you Autumn). lol. no one take offense to the post please. I just answerd as Archer would have to his perception of the situation. I like all the characters, and think it's great that we have so many divers players so I'm sorry if your offended by the post, but please don't take it as an attack on you as a player( characters though. Lookin at Dorian and all the others in the dinner here. Hate him if you want to)

2016-05-08 [Asdroth]: Archer is not thinking about napping. He has sexual tension with two women in he room, and has a bad temper when he thinks something is messed up. He dose not like Dorian because he is a threat to any attempt Archer might make to date Jade, and he is looking for a reason to pick him apart... The real question(because I don't read the pages I'm not playing on or moving onto in a short amount of time) is... Have they hooked up yet? Cuz no lie... Archer would waist no time getting into bed(in the way your thinking), and making the best with two backs... We're talking the hottest three and a half mineuts of Jades life! it would be that let's get in bed- just home for deployment- sexy time. The kind where your boner has a... -clears throught after noticing all the judgmental eyes on him- any way. Point is I'm putting good money Dorian was at the least trying to hook up with her. Why else would they be so into the heavy petting and PDA like they are??

2016-05-08 [Painted Autumn]: They have made love yeah. I'd say you should read it to understand but... I think for the way Archer is taking it it's better to just stay in the dark. xD Good post!

2016-05-08 [ancienteye]: *chokes and dies from the cloud of concentrated testosterone suddenly in the room*

2016-05-08 [Artsy]: lol Sorry about that! Honestly Dorian really, really, REALLY isn't a fighter that's why he doesn't say "fight me", he just says "punch me" because he has zero doubt Archer could kick his butt.

2016-05-08 [ancienteye]: XD Yeah, I figured. Even if he could fight back, Dorian doesn't strike me as the sort of person that /would/. Not in this sort of argument, at least.

2016-05-08 [Artsy]: All very true.

2016-05-08 [~Valkyrie~]: "pretty interesting he would imply that Dorian had had sex with men while simultaneously implying he had had sex with Jade. Was he aware he was doing that?"

Lol, He's very aware. It's an army thing.
Well, really it's a drill sergeant thing, but any private fresh out of basic can channel their drill sergeants. Its kinda funny to watch when you aren't on the receiving end.

2016-05-08 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: What Val said. ^ I was in the Air Force and drilling someone is something everyone can do immediately after basic. Lol.

2016-05-08 [Asdroth]: Yay! That was so great. Lol.

2016-05-08 [Synirria]: lol Dork

2016-05-09 [Mortified Penguin]: Why do you even have all these wikis forum protected? I'm well aware you did that to keep me off of them, but I know how to do anything and everything I want on Elftown, including viewing and commenting on all your wikis. So you're only hurting potential roleplayers who would want to come join you.

Also, how did you manage to misspell "diner"? I mean, seriously... it's not like I don't have a diner that I constantly link to and spam everywhere... it's like you don't pay attention at all... BOB'S DINER.

2016-05-09 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Mort, spelling it "dinner" was intentional. I thought the same thing when I first joined, but Celtore clarified it for me. She meant it as "dinner" as in the meal time.

2016-05-09 [ancienteye]: Ah...I just didn't want to ask in case it was an accident, since I don't think you can change the name of a wiki-page...

2016-05-09 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Actually, you can. The owner of the page has a box at the top that allows them to change the name of the page.

2016-05-09 [ancienteye]: ...


2016-05-09 [Synirria]: When I want to add more people I will allow them to view, Mort but for now I think we're overflowing with people. Thanks though. And I spelled the page EXACTLY how I intended it to. I also don't appreciate people spamming my page. I got several complaints from players about your spamming. I've dropped a few subtle hints for you to stop so please, stop. I've never had a problem with you before, I don't know what your deal is now.

2016-05-09 [Mortified Penguin]: Oh yeah? Well I just banned the people who complained to you about my spamming from Elftown. Go ahead, check their usernames if you don't believe me.

2016-05-09 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *pokes Mort's nose* I call bluff. *awkward turtles away*

2016-05-09 [Synirria]: As so I since the complained to me through facebook and text message. So nice try.

2016-05-09 [Mortified Penguin]: I knew it! There were no such complaints!

2016-05-14 [Painted Autumn]: I assume Cash is already here? Or would you like Dorian to arrive first?

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: Dorian usually arrives first, but not by much, so if he's running late, Cash is already there.

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: ...I feel as though that was too many commas, but I don't know which ones to remove. X(

2016-05-14 [Painted Autumn]: It's ok, he can be just in time.

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: So tactful.

2016-05-14 [Painted Autumn]: I can only assume Cash tolerates Dorian's laissez faire attitude well and Dorian admires Cash's calm one.

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: Sounds about right~

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: On another note, while Cash usually doesn't give names or specifics, he loves to gossip~

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: Irony.

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: ...So what do I do, now? :/ Any suggestions?

2016-05-14 [Painted Autumn]: I don't have any, sorry :( all my characters are tied up. Just start asking Dorian out more often xD Lunch, dinner, drinks in the evening! I forsee if they do wind up together it'll be after a drunken night at the bar and a no-strings-attached 'just gotta get it out of my system, i always thought you were hot' night of romping, and then they start sleeping over at each others' houses...... much more... physical, less emotionally charged than the other relationships. They have fun, and that's what Dorian likes about him.

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: Yeah...but that won't happen while Dorian's with Jade, huh? XD I don't see Dorian being a cheater.

2016-05-14 [Painted Autumn]: Very true, it will not. His heart is as true as they come, but that doesn't mean in the times when he's single he's not up for a more casual type of relationship, while things develop that is. He's a very 'suits the partner' type of guy, and with Cash being self centered or super busy, Dorian would probably understand their relationship would have to be pretty casual, if they were to find themselves being intimate. Cash kinda seems the type to tell him "it's just a little bit of fun, Dorian, don't take it so seriously" even if he didn't mean it.

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: Yeah. XD Cash is...well, as self-centered as he is, you gotta remember that his line of work constantly shows him how commitments can fall apart and hurt people. If he ever wanted an emotional connection, he still would insist it's casual.

2016-07-31 [~Valkyrie~]: Asdroth

2016-08-01 [Asdroth]: Yes!?im up!

2016-08-01 [~Valkyrie~]:'s your turn lol

2016-08-14 [~Valkyrie~]: Asdroth?

2017-01-10 [ancienteye]: Ate is going to be here too, right?

2017-01-10 [ancienteye]: 'Cause Tilly won't want to be sitting in the same booth as Cash, but she won't leave since she drove Dorian. XD

2017-01-10 [Painted Autumn]: Ate should arrive soon I would guess.. she was on her way here, right?

2017-01-10 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Yeah she's there lol

2017-01-10 [Artsy]: So how did Ate know where the descendants were?

2017-01-10 [Eyelash-Wishes]: She doesn't, she just wanted ice cream XD it's all a coincidence

2017-01-10 [Artsy]: No not Sophie's, in Athen's Harbor. Her profile says she knows about the descendants. How? And she's looking for them. How does she know where to go?

2017-01-10 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Oh right sorry :) Teos will have to speak to her to find out :P lol it's not that exciting though XD but she'll tell all,don't worry. Ate is very talkative XD

2017-01-10 [ancienteye]: Cash isn't here, yet. He'll appear in the next post.

2017-01-10 [ancienteye]: Also: Tilly ignores everyone. XD

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: You want to go next, Eyelash? Or do I go next?

2017-01-11 [Eyelash-Wishes]: You go ahead. Ates happily eating at the moment :)

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: XD Ok.

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Sorry, that took a while. Had to make dinner.

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Also, the slatted-back is curved like this one:


2017-01-11 [Synirria]: Dis be called lumbar support my dear... OMG I've been working at the store too long...

2017-01-11 [Painted Autumn]: I love how this chaotic meeting happens at the exact time Ate finds herself in the diner... No such thing as coincidences.

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Yep. XD

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Oh, geez, no. I was planning the meeting to go this way before Ate was even put on the character page. :P Cash doesn't blame himself for what happened, but even his thick skull isn't immune to Tilly's anger.

The "Yep." was directed at Celtore.

2017-01-11 [Eyelash-Wishes]: For once Ate is innocent!! Lol

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Speaking of which, is she able to "sense" discord like this, or is she still just blissfully nomming her ice cream? XD

2017-01-11 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Yeah she'll be sensing it lol I'm going to post soon :)

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: XD I'll let you post before me, then. *wants to see this!*

2017-01-11 [Painted Autumn]: Sorry, I'll pause :)

2017-01-11 [Painted Autumn]: Please forgive my phone-post errors.

2017-01-11 [Painted Autumn]: Ate and Tilly are really trying Dorian's patience right now. xD

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Just because Tilly likes Dorian more than she does most people doesn't mean she wants his attention. Just that she's willing to give him a fraction of hers.

Walking away at this point will cause less problems than trying to keep talking to her. XD

2017-01-11 [Artsy]: Tilley has absolutely no idea how much she's hurting Dorian, or she doesn't care.

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Should Cash answer now, or should I wait and see what Dorian does?

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Tilly does not understand people. She doesn't get /why/ this is hurting Dorian. All she knows is that he's being stubborn.

2017-01-11 [Artsy]: Painted is locked at work. He says he'd like to post when he's able to get home and that that should be in about 4 hours.

2017-01-11 [ancienteye]: Ok, I'll wait. :3 Thank you for the time frame!


2017-01-12 [ancienteye]: Sorry, my computer neglected to inform me that it was going to restart. e.e

2017-01-13 [Painted Autumn]: I'll post in about 4-5 hours. I need a shirt that says "working ruins character lives".

2017-01-13 [Artsy]: , he said, following it almost immediately with another post. His friends exchanged looks of concern, agreeing silently to schedule the intervention sooner rather than later.


2017-01-13 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD XD XD

2017-01-13 [Painted Autumn]: Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if Dorian and Tilly got together and for the first time ever I just couldn't see a couple together, just a lot of her still being completely shut out and some perfectly natural release of tension every now and again when Tilly decided she wanted that, and no, there would be no more argument than when she decided to make him furniture and he had no say in it. xD

2017-01-13 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

Now, see, the problem with that is she doesn't like encouraging physical contact. They see each other too often as neighbors for her to consider him for "stress relief".

2017-01-13 [ancienteye]: Really, a relationship with Tilly is basically the same thing as a friends-with-benefits situation, except she lets you sleep in the same bed as her and doesn't give you weird looks when she sees you in her house.

2017-01-14 [ancienteye]: It's my Hestia descendant. He just thinks everyone should have a roof over their heads without worrying about it being yanked away.

2017-01-14 [Painted Autumn]: Yeah don't worry, I got who it was.

2017-01-14 [Painted Autumn]: I should keep count: How many times can Dorian hit on Cash in one sitting WITHOUT them getting together? xD

2017-01-14 [ancienteye]: Yeah, but neither of them know that Jade's dumped him, yet. XD XD XD

And my clarification wasn't because I wasn't sure you would get it: it was because I was afraid someone would think that anyone other than Dorian would think as highly of Cash as he does of himself. XD

2017-01-14 [Eyelash-Wishes]: I was going to drop by with Luke, does he, Cash and Dorian know each other?

2017-01-14 [ancienteye]: Cash is busy most of the time, and Luke is two years younger and not divorced, so if they know each other, it's only in passing.

2017-01-14 [Painted Autumn]: Dorian met Cash yesterday at the diner with Haidee and Jade.

2017-01-14 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Oh yeah I remember their brief meeting :) I'll bring him along and see what unfolds

2017-01-14 [Artsy]: I need to wait a bit before coming in. =)

2017-01-14 [Artsy]: I'm going to give Ancient a chance to post, then I'll bring Haidee in.

2017-01-14 [Eyelash-Wishes]: OK :)

2017-01-14 [ancienteye]: SORRYSORRYSORRY!

2017-01-14 [Artsy]: *pats ancient's head and gives a cookie* there there, calm down.

2017-01-14 [ancienteye]: *eats cookie*

2017-01-15 [Artsy]: "No.. I don't think I have..."
"Maybe I should make you some, sometime."


2017-01-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Lol Aw XD

2017-01-16 [Artsy]: Haidee's seriously going to need to work on her fear of animals, but Teos explaining what she's doing will help with that.

2017-01-17 [ancienteye]: The classical definition of comedy~ XD

2017-01-17 [ancienteye]: Is very misleading.

2017-01-23 [~Valkyrie~]: Is anyone still here

2017-01-23 [Painted Autumn]: Haidee and Luke would have left hours ago.

2017-01-31 [~Valkyrie~]: Celtore?

2017-04-20 [Mortified Penguin]: But seriously... it's 'diner' not 'dinner'...

2017-04-21 [Synirria]: No... it's meant to be dinner but thanks for your opinion.

2017-04-24 [Mortified Penguin]: I don't think that's how spelling or opinions work at all!

2017-05-11 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Mort, you're a troll. Lol.

2017-05-21 [Mortified Penguin]: <img:44166_1164145230.gif>

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